
What were you doing just before? How did it make you feel? It’s easy for our minds to get distracted and lost in the process of thinking. How much better do we feel when we actually notice the raw thinking and raw emotion? No attaching, no chasing, just noticing. If we try to just notice things rather than grasping at them we can choose what we want to feel and how we want to process our thoughts/emotions. Don’t be like a dog chasing a car, stand on the sidewalk and watch the cars go by, effortlessly. ...

February 11, 2021

Invest in Time

How are you currently using your time? Is your experience with time negative or positive moment to moment? It’s easy to get into a routine where we’re doing things we don’t enjoy. Be it sitting in traffic or waiting for something, life is mostly in-between moments. Perception is key. How you perceive your use time will determine the feeling not what you’re doing with your time. ...

February 10, 2021

Keep It Simple

Imagine you are in a meeting listening to the person presenting talking through all the minute detail of a topic you are just being introduced to. As you’re listening to this explanation your eyes glaze over and your brain turns off. Why is this the case? There is often little structure in the explanation. The explanation is too complicated. The information doesn’t relate to what I need. ...

February 9, 2021


Assumptions are useful shortcuts so that we can skip the onerous processing that would come with fully evaluating every single situation. Assumptions are used in our algorithms, construction and daily decision making to great effect. They allow us to quickly and easily make decisions. Assumptions are great until they are used in a different context where they are often incorrect or unreliable. How can we better understand when our assumptions are out of context? ...

February 9, 2021

The Natural Process

Why do we fight things, try tame things? Why not work with the natural flow? Nature was here before us and will also be here after us. Nature is a relentless process that never ends. If we can learn to work with it rather than fight it, would we not be happier? Try to bring some stillness into your life. Go out appreciate nature. Appreciate it is slow, never ending and you are a part of it. So why not accept that and work hand in hand with nature? ...

February 8, 2021

Can It Be Repurposed?

When something no longer has a use how can we use it to create something new and better? How can we repurpose an existing idea/system to make something truly amazing? Taking ideas out of their original context and applying them to new situations is how we can find novel solutions to problems both new and old. Taking a system out of context and reinterpreting it through another lense can make for a better overall system and help fix issues with the existing systems. ...

February 7, 2021

Practice Positivity

How do you want to react? How do you want to be interpreted? The more we do things the better we are at doing those same things. The brain is like a muscle, the more we use it in certain ways the more it is able to be used in those ways. Be mindful of your reactions and practice reacting positively. The more we practice the better we get. ...

February 6, 2021

You Are Not Original

None of your ideas are original they are all borrowed, stolen, reprocessed and interpreted. So don’t feel bad when thinking something is not unique enough to pursue, the unique thing is the fact that you are willing to pursue the idea at all. Find an idea you are passionate about and make it your own. Contextualise it, take it apart and recreate it to fit your needs. Weave it into your life to make yourself better. ...

February 4, 2021

Make It Everyday Not a Choice

It’s easier to do something everyday than it is to do it three times a week. Make the things you want to do automatic make them part of your routine. Set the bar low and celebrate showing up. The run will be super hard some days but the fact that you are still doing it everyday is to be celebrated even if you just do a super short/slow run because you are feeling exhausted. Most people wouldn’t have shown up and even done that much. ...

February 3, 2021

Docker Using All My Disk Space

Docker is great but sometimes the images that are used are rather large on the disk. The following commands can be used to investigate how much space various containers are actually using on your disk. How to list docker files and how big they are $ docker system df -v Note: It is important to look at the shared and non shared space so you know how much an individual container is using. ...

October 16, 2020