How do you know what the right energy is to put into something?
We often see detachment as a bad thing. If you don’t care then why would you even try?
Allowing yourself to be detached will allow you to find out what you truly want in life. If climbing Mount Everest isn’t the thing you really want then you will stop training and focus your energy on pursuits you truly enjoy.
Detachment is hard. Especially for things that are super important. Detachment however may be the thing that is most what you need. If you really want to be the best golfer/archer then you should focus less on the outcome and more on the process. Detachment is not a sudden laziness it is a recognition that your energy should be directed to the part that really matters. A recognition that the outcome isn’t what should drive your mood and happiness it is the process and your overall effort that you put in that should bring you satisfaction.
Detach as much as you can and recognise what you truly want in life.