Why is change hard?
Once we start moving in a direction we find it hard to stop moving and start moving in a new direction. In our personal lives it is a little easier since we can welcome the change we seek to make in ourselves. When it is an external party getting us to change that seems harder.
What about an external party makes it harder for us to change? Why do we all of a sudden become closed rather than open?
Knowing this how can we ease others into a change? Organisations make it hard for us to change because you have to get everyone on board.
When trying to push for your new change try to remember how hard it can be to change. Also think about how you can weave your idea into the current direction so that the change is gradual rather than sudden. Think of how the individuals need to understand the change in order to embrace it.
Change can be hard but it is how we become better versions of us. Be open especially when you notice you’re becoming closed.