What is it about lazy days that are exhausting? When we’re not doing much we seem to be exhausted even though we have no reason to be.

Having a chill day can be rejuvenating but also sometimes exhausting. How can we always use our chill days to rejuvenate ourselves?

Getting in some exercise and mindful moments often makes the day more rejuvenating. Mixing things up so that you have diversity in your day makes for a fun interesting day. This can be reading and being out in nature rather than just watching TV. Finding the things that bring you energy even when you are tired.

Engage the mind in a different way to usual. Notice things you haven’t noticed in a while. Try to be fully present even just for a moment.

When having your next lazy day think of the purpose. The purpose for me is to slow down and recharge. Invest in figuring out what recharges you. What helps you be the best you can be.