Why do we feel stress? What is it useful for?
Stress is something we developed millions of years ago to keep us alive. Stress is a motivator one that forces us to keep ourselves alive. Stress from a life or death situation is usually short lived i.e. after the life or death event is over.
Our everyday work/material stress is something we have manufactured ourselves. It doesn’t help keep us alive. It is not short lived. Ignoring it won’t kill us.
If we are better able to identify stresses in our lives and remove those stresses we don’t need we will be able to live happier more fulfilling lives. Stress that is manufactured makes us feel bad. Makes us less able to think. Literally kills our brain cells and makes us age faster.
Try to use your everyday mindfulness to notice stress the instant you feel it. Breathe. Let it go.
If we all do this we will also help those around us as we won’t be pushing our stress onto them. Together we can let stress go from not only our lives but also our society.